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Home > Pain Relief > NMES Foot Massager
Top Doctor of Physical Therapy: This Is The Best Way To Relieve Edema In Your Legs And Feet Fast
If you struggle with edema in your legs, calves, feet, or ankles, or if your legs feel like they’re 1000 lbs, read this short article right now before you do anything else.
3,791 Ratings
By Dr. Jeremy Campbell
{{MMMM dd, yyyy}}
Hi, my name is Dr. Campbell and I’m a doctor of physical therapy from Chicago. 

I have 10 years of clinical experience and clocked in well over 10,000 hours helping patients.

Throughout my career, I’ve helped over 1,100 patients - all who came to me with a variety of foot problems
  • Lymphedema
  • Edema
  • Neuropathy
  • Plantar fasciitis
You name it.

I’ve seen it all.

From mild stiffness and swelling… To varicose spider veins… To…
Edema So Bad You Could Barely Recognize What Body Part You’re Looking At
But it wasn’t until earlier this year that I truly cracked the code to provide relief from edema .

It all started with a personal Breakthrough Discovery I had earlier this year.

One night I was pouring through clinical studies on Edema and Lymphedema, and I stumbled across something that shocked me .
Shocking Root Cause of Edema
What if I told you that the edema and swelling in your feet and legs are actually caused by your CALVES ?

That’s right. Your feet are perfectly fine.

Your calves are the problem.

See, calves play a crucial role in your blood circulation.

So much so that we often refer to them as “The Second Heart ”.

Your actual heart sends blood all over your body, including your feet.

But your calves are responsible for sending that blood back.

When your calf muscles contract, they compress the blood vessels in your legs and push the blood from your feet back up toward your heart.

That’s why we like to call calves “the second heart” - because they single-handedly maintain normal blood circulation in your lower body.
Here’s The Bad News…

As you age and become less physically active, your calves get weaker.

And when this happens, they can no longer send all the blood from your lower body back to your heart - so some of it stays stuck in your feet.

This build-up of old, stale blood can cause edema and swelling in your feet and ankles.

But it can also lead to more serious foot conditions if left untreated.

That’s also why popular remedies like compression socks, salt baths, and different pills can’t solve the problem - they focus on feet instead of calves.
So What’s the Solution?

You need to activate your calves so that they start pumping blood again…

And remove the old, stale blood that’s currently stuck in your feet.

But how do you do that?

Most experts will tell you that you need to move or start exercising.

But let’s be honest… When your feet are all swollen and painful, moving around - let alone running or exercising - is the last thing you want to do.

That’s why most people never really solve this problem and are stuck bedridden with painful, oversized clown feet their entire lives.

Luckily, there’s a better solution.
Get Relief From Edema at Home in Just 15 Minutes Per Day (Without Lifting a Finger)
It's all possible thanks to something called “NeuroMuscular Electrical Stimulation”.

It’s a special technology that uses electrical stimulation to enhance blood circulation and temporarily relieve swelling.

It works by placing your feet on a very specific pad made from a special rubber material that conducts electricity.

This pad causes your calf muscles to rhythmically alternate between contraction and relaxation…

Creating a pumping effect that get your calves to start pumping blood again.

The only problem was that this technology wasn’t available to an average Joe. It often comes as a very complicated device with large screen monitors and tons of cables.

So I partnered up with a U.S. biotech startup called Nooro .

These guys are known for making some of the best pain relief devices that have helped more than 300,000 men and women across America.

And together, we solved this problem once and for all.
Nooro NMES Foot Massager is one of the best most affordable devices that use “NeuroMuscular Electrical Stimulation” technology to stimulate your calves a.k.a. your “second heart” and kickstart blood circulation in your entire lower body.

When you place your feet on it, this device will immediately start to contract your calves.

This will mimic similar contractions that would happen if you were to go for a run or exercise in the gym.

These contractions will get your blood vessels to start pumping blood from your lower body back to your heart.

As a result, all that old stale blood that’s now stuck in your feet and ankles will finally start moving again - and the swelling will go away temporarily.
Nooro Foot Massager Is Unlike Any Other Solution You’ve Tried Before
Let me be clear. You’ve never experienced anything like Nooro Foot Massager in your entire life - no matter whether you think you’ve tried everything under the sun.

This device is miles more powerful than any wraps or compression socks ever could be because it actually stimulates the vein vales in your calves and targets the actual root cause of edema and swelling.

Before long, you'll be able to walk again, stand for as long as you want, and even sleep through the night without waking up in agony.
Here’s How To Use Noroo Foot Massager For Best Results
All you need to do is place your feet on the Nooro Foot Pad and use the controller to select the mode and the intensity level of your massage.

For optimal results, you’ll want to use it for at least 15 minutes a day. That’s how long it takes for the NMES technology to penetrate into the tissue of your feet and trigger those weak calf muscles.

The massage may feel weird at first, but you will get used to it after a couple of sessions. And more importantly, you are going to love the results.

The swelling will begin to fade. The feeling of heaviness will slowly diminish. And you’ll find yourself standing, walking, and maybe even running with less discomfort - something you thought you’d never be able to do again.
Here’s What Amanda, 65, Says About Her Experience With Nooro NMES Foot Massager
"You know what really sucks? When you visit the doctor repeatedly, complaining about swelling in your legs and feet... And it's getting worse, spreading from your feet to your ankles and calves...

Your legs feel so heavy and swollen at night that sleep is impossible without elevating them. Yet after all the tests, the doctors shrug and say, "It's just a part of getting older. Nothing to worry about."

Really? I'm only 65, with a family history of longevity. I've got at least another 20 years ahead, and I'm worried about more than just today's discomfort. That's when I stumbled upon the advertisement for Nooro and decided, "Why not give it a shot?"

So I started using the massager, and within three days, I noticed a difference. No more muscle cramps in my calves, and best of all, the swelling and discomfort are gone!

Just a 10-minute session with my massagers twice a day, and it's like a whole new world. I'm thrilled with this product! And now, I can envision a future where I'm not confined to a wheelchair because I can't walk. It's incredible. Thank you, Nooro!"
Amanda, 65
Or Look At The Difference It made To Amy, Suffering From Diabetic Edema For Over 10 Years
Here’s what she says:
"I've been managing diabetes for a decade now, and along with it, I've dealt with significant swelling and edema in my feet and legs.

I've experimented with various creams and remedies, avoiding medications due to the negative feedback I've heard about them. However, I decided to give your device a try. Working long hours on cement floors, my feet and calves used to swell and become extremely uncomfortable by day's end.

Yet, after incorporating your device into my routine, I observed a noticeable reduction in swelling within just a couple of weeks! Now, I can work without the burden of swollen legs. In fact, I've been enjoying relief from swelling for nearly three months now! Your device has truly transformed my daily comfort."
Amy, 40
Nooro Foot Massager Already Helped Thousands Of US Residents Relieve Edema And Swelling In Their Legs And Feet
If you check out Nooro’s website, you will find thousands of reviews from people just like you.

People who were able to get significant relief from edema, swelling, stiffness and feeling of heaviness:
Charlotte Hudson
It's truly worth every penny!
Reviewed in the United States on April 5, 2024
Verified Purchase
I decided to try this massager because it’s reasonably priced. I have been struggling with edema and swelling for the past year, and the muscles in my calves have been cramping constantly for months. Like the way it would feel after having a Charlie horse. I could barely walk. The day I received it I used it 3 different times. It was so painful to use because my calf was so tense. But I stuck with it and with each use my calves got better and better. And it wasn’t painful to use anymore. I use it at least once in the morning and once in the evening and each cycle lasts about 15 mins. But you can turn it on and let it run another cycle…the battery has lasts a long time before needing to recharge. I’ve used it for an hr or more in 15-minute increments and it hasn’t run out. Then I recharge it so it will be ready the next time I use it. It’s easy to use, and there are 19 intensity levels and 6 different massage types you can choose. It’s quiet when it’s running. It literally feels like you’re walking because it constantly goes from contraction to relaxation of your calves. Definitely recommend the Nooro NMES Foot Massager. Comes with the charging cord, charger and very good visual instructions. It’s been a lifesaver for me!
76 people found this helpful
William Boxall
This works!! Blew my mind at how fast I got results
Reviewed in the United States on {{MMMM dd, yyyy}}
Verified Purchase
The BEST affordable product for edema and swelling in your legs. My mother and have really poor circulation issues. So much so it's so painful you can't relax or sleep. Been like this for years. In a desperate attempt to gain relief I purchased this just for me to test it out. I used it twice a day, in the morning and before bed and I was falling asleep comfortably FINALLY. Within a month I don't even need it at all now. Pain in my legs went from 8/10 to 2/10. SO HAPPY WITH THIS PRODUCT!!!! So much so I bought my mom and elder step father another two units and my mother asked me where I bought them. I asked her why what is wrong? She said NOTHING this thing is amazing. It looks so basic i thought it was just going to be another dud that doesn't help but now I can finally sleep well it feels great and helps so much. So you have two happy customers thank you. If you are not taking a risk on this product .....too bad so sad for are missing out. Love the affordability and hope it stays that way.
53 people found this helpful
I’m receiving dozens of stories like this every single day.

Will your story be next?
See… That’s The Kind of Results I Want You To Experience
Think about your legs right now…

Would you welcome even just a bit of relief from that annoying swelling, stiffness and heaviness?

How about getting an uninterrupted full night's sleep?

How would it feel to be able to take a pain-free stroll with your loved one?

Would it allow you to enjoy your daily life a bit better if there was less or no pain, stiffness and swelling in your feet?
Claim Your FREE Gift Valued At $997!
If you decide to try your own nooro NMES Foot Massager now, you become eligible for a FREE Gift ($997 Value)
Imagine Waking Up In The Morning and Experiencing That Feeling of… NOTHING!
  • No swelling
  • No stiffness
  • No annoying wraps that take hours to put on
  • No limitations
  • Just FREEDOM.
Allowing you to sleep well at night without any pain and discomfort that would keep you awake…

Knowing that when you wake up, there is nothing that would stop you from just jumping out of bed, full of energy!

Imagine finally regaining control over your life and body again!

Doing all the things you love with your loved ones!

That feeling is priceless.

There’s a world of difference between living life with edema, swelling and stiffness, and between being able to do what's dearest to you.

And I’m excited for you to experience it for yourself.
IMPORTANT: You Won’t Find Nooro Products In Department Stores, On Amazon Or Ebay
That’s because me and my team at nooro don’t want any middlemen to mark up their prices.

So you will never pay $397 for the device.

My mission with Nooro NMES Foot Massager is to make cutting edge edema solutions accessible to as many people as possible.

That’s why we sell directly to our customers.

We heavily rely on word of mouth.

We believe if the product is good, the word will spread.

That’s the reason for this article.

And that’s why today, you don't need to invest 397 dollars to get your hands on this revolutionary technology…

In fact, you don't even need to invest 300 dollars.

If you check our official nooro website that’s available to the public…

You will find this very massager listed for $199.95.

And many including myself still consider this a steal!

But today, you’re not going to pay 199.95 dollars.

Because today, I’m offering nooro NMES foot massager for just $149.95 dollars.

That's 25% off our retail price…

But that’s not all.

Today I’ve decided to do something different…

Because you've made it this far into the presentation, it's obvious you're serious about your health, and you are interested in seeing how this one of a kind alternative solution can help you the same way it's helping thousands of others.

Which is why I want to let you try this device at a special price, available only through this article on this page today.
Claim Your FREE Gift Valued At $997!
If you decide to try your own nooro NMES Foot Massager now, you become eligible for a FREE Gift ($997 Value)
For a Limited Time Only, I’d Like To Offer You a nooro NMES Foot Massager For Just $99.95.
That's another $50 OFF!

Remember, this is the only place you'll find nooro NMES foot massager at such a low price.

Once you click away, the offer is gone.

The nooro NMES Foot Massager will never cost less than this again.

Right now, you can try yours for just $99.95.

That's right, you can get your hands on this brilliant massage device for only $99.95.

That’s just 3 dollars 33 cents per day.

That’s less than a cup of coffee these days!
Nooro Foot Massager Now!
With Our 90-Day Results Or Refund Money Back Guarantee - You Don’t Have To Make A Decision Now!
See… I want to completely eliminate the risk from all buyers.

I'm so firm and confident in the effectiveness of this device that without a second thought we provid an iron clad 90-day results or refund money back guarantee.

We don't want you to spend a dime until you are 100% certain that it works for you.

This means if you aren’t absolutely thrilled about your results, nooro will refund you every penny you paid.

We're making this guarantee because we're confident you’re going to love the results you’re going to experience with your new nooro NMES foot massager.

Now you have 3 full months to test the Nooro Foot Massager and see for yourself how quickly it can relieve the pain and swelling in your feet and legs.

So click the big green “GET 50% OFF Nooro Foot Massager Now!” button below.
Nooro Foot Massager Now!
If you don’t get the relief you’re looking for or you think there’s better solution on the market for your condition, nooro will return 100% of your purchase price.

And no, this is not a type of guarantee that every other company does nowadays.

This is no gimmick.

Want proof?

Try emailing or calling nooro’s customer service.

You can literally reach them 24/7.

Simply call their support team at +1 212-444-3144 or email them at

You can also find this information on their official encrypted website.
They respond to every single email within minutes.

They answer every single phone call…

It may sound out-of-fashion but at nooro, they make their customers, their absolute #1 priority.
WARNING: By The Time You’ll Be Reading This, This Offer May Already Be Sold Out!
Nooro has already sold out 3 times in the past.

And this current stock is selling out faster than anyone could have anticipated.

So I encourage you to act fast.

Because chances are by the time you’ll be reading this… the stock may have been already sold out again .
So without further ado…
Claim Your FREE Gift Valued At $997!
If you decide to try your own nooro NMES Foot Massager now, you become eligible for a FREE Gift ($997 Value)
Here’s What to Do Next
Click that big green “GET 50% OFF Nooro Foot Massager Now!” button below.

It’s going to take you straight to Nooro’s special encrypted offer page.

You will get there the special one-time deal reserved for the reader’s of this article.

Here all you need to do is click the button that says “GET 50% OFF TODAY ONLY” and your discount code will be automatically applied.

From there, you’ll go straight to the checkout page where you just need to enter your name, address, and credit card information.

…And select your favorite package…

For maximum results, I suggest that you choose their most popular, 2x Foot Massagers option.

You can even go for the 3x Nooro Foot Massagers option if you've got friends or family who could use some relief from neuropathy pain too. You'll all feel better and save a massive 50% off the total price.

So click the big green button below and order your Nooro Foot Massagers today at 50% OFF!
Nooro Foot Massager Now!
Remember, There Is ZERO Risk
The only risk you could possibly face…

Is one of pain and regret if you miss out on the opportunity to get your Nooro Foot Massagers at this massive discount.

Unfortunately, I know exactly what’s going to happen if you decide to let this opportunity pass. I’ve seen it so many times with other patients.

And let me tell you, it’s NOT good.

You’ll keep wasting time on compression socks, salt baths, and different pills that don’t address the real cause of the problem.

You may experience some temporary relief now and then…

And maybe even fool yourself that you can live your life like this…

But the pain and swelling  will only get worse .

I’m not saying this to SCARE you. I just want to WARN you.

Because if left untreated, this can turn into a much bigger problem.

That’s why the decision you make today will be one of the most important decisions of your life. So… What is it going to be?

Are you going to say “NO” to this opportunity and take your chances?

OR are you going to do the right thing… Order one, two, or three Nooro Foot Massagers… And spend the next 90 days working on recovery?
Remember… This is not just about you.

This is about your family - who will be worried about you constantly if you lose your mobility because you don’t want to try to get better.

This is about your grandkids who will never get to play with you because your feet will be holding you back.

This is about your partner who will have to get used to living alone while you are still there - because you will be a shell of yourself.

You owe it to yourself and your loved ones to give it a shot.
  • You can turn things around.
  • You can get the relief that you’ve been looking for.
  • You can get your old life back and enjoy the rest of your life.
Many of my patients have already done it. You can do it too.

All you need is a little assistance from the finest pain relief device that I know exists - our Nooro Foot Massager.

So without further ado…

If you are ready to do the right thing…

Click that big green button below to order your Nooro Foot Massager.

And remember - If it doesn’t work as promised, you don’t pay.
Nooro Foot Massager Now!
UPDATE: As of {{MMMM dd, yyyy}} - The demand for Nooro Foot Massager has increased dramatically and inventory has been flying off the shelves. Order your own for 50% OFF + FAST SHIPPING before it's too late.
Lock in your order while you can to get 50% OFF + FAST SHIPPING to  City
NOTE: This deal is NOT available on Amazon or eBay.
90 Day Money Back Guarantee
Guaranteed Safe and Secure Checkout
No-Hassle Returns
Fast Shipping
Nooro Foot Massager Now!
P.S.: Claim Your FREE Gift Valued At $997!
If you decide to try your own nooro NMES Foot Massager now, you become eligible for a FREE Gift ($997 Value)
This free gift is what separates those who experience transformational results from those who don’t.
The Missing Link: What Separates The Successful Nooro Customer From The Unsuccessful One?
After carefully analysing results from over 158,624 nooro customers, we’ve identified 6 Strong Commonalities that separate the successful user from the non-successful one.
Results: High / Life-changing
Results: Low / Medium
Commits to use the product on average for 112 days.
Uses the product sporadically.
Schedules a FREE 1-on-1 onboarding with a wellness specialist within 3 days.
Doesn’t schedule the onboarding session.
Follows a personalized blueprint daily for 96 days.
Ignores personalized advice.
Completes the 30-day pain relief video program.
Doesn’t start the exercise program.
Joins the Nooro VIP community for support and motivation.
Avoids joining the community.
Doesn’t expect overnight results but commits to building new habits.
Complains that Nooro doesn’t work.
The successful users commit to the process and use all our tools. The non-successful don’t.

To help everyone succeed, we developed an all-in-one solution – the Nooro 11x Health Mobile App. After extensive testing and refinement, our customers loved it.
Users experienced:
  • 62% better results
  • 48% faster results
  • 33% higher energy
Introducing “The Missing Link”
nooro 11x Health Mobile App For Seniors
The #1 Senior-Friendly Health App On The Market
  • Built By Seniors For Seniors: Our customers helped design a soothing, intuitive, and personalized experience.
  • 3 Clicks And You’re Set: Easy to use, even for those not tech-savvy.
  • One-Stop Shop For Your Pain: Guides you through every step towards better health.
Here’s What You’re Getting By Trying Our Nooro 11x Health App
Primary benefits
  • 1-on-1 Wellness Specialist Advice
    ($197 Value)
  • Personalized 30-Day Pain Relief Protocol
    ($197 Value)
  • VIP Community Access
    ($497 Value)
  • Gentle 30-Day Transformation Video Program
    ($397 Value)
Secondary benefits
  • Easy Product Video Tutorials
  • 24/7 In-App Customer Support
  • Habit Tracker and Daily Reminders
  • 100+ Hours of Video Content by Experts
Our nooro 11x Health App is changing lives for its 123,672+ users.
You can be the next one with our 30-Day FREE Trial.
Alice, 70
Verified Purchase
The Nooro NMES Foot Massager paired with the app has transformed my routine. Easy to use and incredibly effective!
Bob, 64
Verified Purchase
The app guides me while using the foot massager. Simple, and the relief is instant!
Clara, 76
Verified Purchase
Combining the foot massager with the app is a game-changer. My pain is gone!
David, 72
Verified Purchase
The app and foot massager work perfectly together. I feel more active and pain-free!
Evelyn, 68
Verified Purchase
The app makes using the foot massager a breeze. Quick relief and easy instructions!
Frank, 74
Verified Purchase
Using the foot massager with the app is the best decision. Simple and effective!
Grace, 63
Verified Purchase
The combination significantly reduced my pain. User-friendly!
Henry, 82
Verified Purchase
I enjoy using the app with the foot massager. Easy to follow, and the relief is amazing!
Jack, 76
Verified Purchase
The app enhances the foot massager experience. Simple, effective, and my pain is manageable!
Wondering If an App for Seniors Is Feasible?
Over 61% of adults aged 65 and older own a smartphone. You’re likely reading this on your phone. The Nooro app provides quick answers and support, making it like having a wellness specialist available 24/7 in your pocket.

Every transformation starts with the first step. We’re here to help you take that step towards a stronger, healthier, and happier you.
We are here to help you take the first step…
Step towards a stronger, happier, healthier and more confident self. Step towards a better future.

We are here to transform your life into something you didn’t dream possible.
Place Your Order Now and Get a FREE 30-Day Trial Access To Our Nooro 11x Health Mobile App
Click the button below to get your Nooro NMES Foot Massager with a 30-Day FREE Trial of the Nooro 11x Health Mobile App.

You owe it to yourself and your loved ones to give it a shot. Turn things around, get the relief you’ve been looking for, and reclaim your life.

Click the button now.
Nooro Foot Massager Now!
Finally Get Instant Temporary Relief From Swelling In Your Calves, Feet, and Ankles

GET 50% OFF 

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  • Wilma Devon

    Can anybody vouch for this?

    ·  Reply ·  4 ·  39 min

    • Mary Vernon

      The massager helps my feet and ankles with my edema. I walk a lot for my job and getting home and using it has really helped with the pain.

      ·  Reply ·  7 ·  16 min

  • Doris Skylar

    I bought mine for the full price and now are 50% off? That's not fair!

    ·  Reply ·  4 ·  51 min

  • Skyler Greig

    How long does shipping take??

    ·  Reply ·  1 ·  1 h

    • Marie Campbell

      Hey Skyler, got mine after a week.

      ·  Reply ·  2 ·  24 min

  • Leonard Boyd

    I like the massage. I like the design and the way my legs feel after. It is comfortable. I enjoy using it.

    ·  Reply ·  6 ·  1 h

  • Emma Emerson

    Hey Lois, this is what you need instead of the expensive massage sessions

    ·  Reply ·  2 ·  2 h

    • Lois Clive

      Wow, this is crazy, have ordered one now!

      ·  Reply ·  3 ·  1 h

  • Alfred Johnson

    Did you buy one, how long does it take to get it

    ·  Reply ·  2 ·  2 h

    • Edith Ashton

      For me 7 business days.

      ·  Reply ·  5 ·  2 h

  • Debra Peyton

    Good massager for legs. Different levels and different modes helped me.

    ·  Reply ·  1 ·  3 h

  • Paula Remington

    Wow looks amazing, does anyone actually have one and has it been tested?

    ·  Reply ·  1 ·  3 h

    • Sarah Dudley

      I bought this for my dad since he often has muscle aches in his legs. He loved the feel of it and felt very relaxed after the first use.

      ·  Reply ·  3 ·  2 h

  • Agnes Graeme

    I just ordered mine! Cannot wait for it.

    ·  Reply ·  4 ·  3 h

  • Barbara Bradly

    I want one so bad, I'm gonna buy it this weekend when my paycheck hits lol!!

    ·  Reply ·  8 ·  3 h

  • Ethel Dean

    Does anyone know how long the shipping takes? Want to buy one for my friend.

    ·  Reply ·  1 ·  4 h

    • Clara Milton

      Hey Ethel, mine arrived after about a week

      ·  Reply ·  2 ·  2 h

    • Emma Shelby

      Your friend will be happy! Perfect gift

      ·  Reply ·  2 ·  1 h

  • Harry Keegan

    I got this as a gift for my grandma and she loves it. This cordless foot massager is perfect for someone struggling with swelling and poor circulation in their legs. The product is comfortable to use and the price point is great!

    ·  Reply ·  3 ·  4 h

  • Bridget Prescott

    Love this massager totally!

    ·  Reply ·  3 ·  4 h

  • Anna Madison

    I've never had anything like this and it is amazing and worth every penny especially if you are on your legs all day! I needed this years ago but I love it. It feels so real

    ·  Reply ·  3 ·  5 h

  • Clara Milton

    I absolutely love my massager, had to get one for my daughter today since she wont stop using mine!

    ·  Reply ·  2 ·  5 h

    • Kate Orson

      OMG I know, I was so happy that they had some left today. Had to get one immediately before they run out of stock again like last time

      ·  Reply·  5 ·  2 h

  • Isabella Mayson

    Thank you, our arrived today! Will test it tonight to get some relief from my edema.

    ·  Reply ·  3 ·  5 h

MEDICAL & HEALTH DISCLAIMER: The information and other content provided in this page, or in any linked materials, are not intended and should not be construed as medical advice, nor is the information a substitute for professional medical expertise or treatment.

If you or any other person has a medical concern, you should consult with your health care provider or seek other professional medical treatment. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something that have read on this page or in any linked materials. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or emergency services immediately.

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